Andrea Viarengo
2007-09-07 10:40:33 UTC
Hello Christian!!
How are you?
I'm return to working on my "autocubic" project, and I'm trying to use the
new patch positioning and image manipulation methods.
I have met some little problems:
1) I have to make the images bigger of 2 pixel (width and height), otherwise
I can see a space between consecutive patches (I have explained this problem
to you before, do you remember?)
2) I would like to create a transparent hole (alpha=0) in a png image, I
need this for doors and windows, so I have operated in this manner:
but I get only a black shape and not a transparent hole: this is a bug?
If I create a new white image instead of load a png, it works correctly:
3) Apart the holes which aren't transparent, I think there are some bugs in
the image cache management, because I reload the image always before the
patch statement, and if there is a door, I modify the image using fill(),
and finally call patch():
if door~=0 then --the value of door is recalculated every time
p = patch {
face = dir,
w = dimx+fix, -- fix=2: workaround
h = dimx+fix,
anchorv = w/2,
anchorh = h/2,
x=0,y=0, --values aren't influent: I don't need to set these!!!
ny =0,
nz = -2*l-1,
nx = 2*(j-l),
visible = true,
image = img
Well, I can view doors also where they would not have to be there!! (i.e.:
patch statement use a wrong image get from the cache instead of reload from
I believe that this bug is connected to the assertion failed in the project
map visualization which I show you in my authoring feature.
I hope that this help you to fix bugs.
I have stopped my pipmak development activity, because I don't know what you
have in mind and how you want to proceed.
I don't want create a parallel version of pipmak, I think you have
understood now what I'm able to do and what I am not, so, if you desires my
help in developping, you should tell me exactly what you need (for example:
"I need a function which get these inputs, return these outputs and do this
In any case, I would be happy to help you, if only you tell me how.
How are you?
I'm return to working on my "autocubic" project, and I'm trying to use the
new patch positioning and image manipulation methods.
I have met some little problems:
1) I have to make the images bigger of 2 pixel (width and height), otherwise
I can see a space between consecutive patches (I have explained this problem
to you before, do you remember?)
2) I would like to create a transparent hole (alpha=0) in a png image, I
need this for doors and windows, so I have operated in this manner:
but I get only a black shape and not a transparent hole: this is a bug?
If I create a new white image instead of load a png, it works correctly:
3) Apart the holes which aren't transparent, I think there are some bugs in
the image cache management, because I reload the image always before the
patch statement, and if there is a door, I modify the image using fill(),
and finally call patch():
if door~=0 then --the value of door is recalculated every time
p = patch {
face = dir,
w = dimx+fix, -- fix=2: workaround
h = dimx+fix,
anchorv = w/2,
anchorh = h/2,
x=0,y=0, --values aren't influent: I don't need to set these!!!
ny =0,
nz = -2*l-1,
nx = 2*(j-l),
visible = true,
image = img
Well, I can view doors also where they would not have to be there!! (i.e.:
patch statement use a wrong image get from the cache instead of reload from
I believe that this bug is connected to the assertion failed in the project
map visualization which I show you in my authoring feature.
I hope that this help you to fix bugs.
I have stopped my pipmak development activity, because I don't know what you
have in mind and how you want to proceed.
I don't want create a parallel version of pipmak, I think you have
understood now what I'm able to do and what I am not, so, if you desires my
help in developping, you should tell me exactly what you need (for example:
"I need a function which get these inputs, return these outputs and do this
In any case, I would be happy to help you, if only you tell me how.