2008-02-24 12:45:54 UTC
Hi all. I decided to get my fingers wet with the development side and been
busy all night installing and stuff.
I'm developing on Windows, and I see the project could use a native-side
Windows approach.
I've had some partial luck but I'm running into some weirdness, so I'm just
gonna run several statements out and see what you people think of my setup..
1 - After looking around for an IDE I decided to try MinGW Developer Studio.
It seems a little stale (comes with no documentation (?!), is somewhat
minimal, and includes MinGW 3.3.1 as it's latest version.)
I've been able to compile many of the libraries for pipmak like ogg and
vorbis using the default compiler.
After some weirdness though I installed the latest MinGW compiler and tools
but the IDE gives me an errror when I try to point it to the newer compiler.
Anybody recommend a better IDE?
2 - I then installed TortoiseSVN, downloaded the latest trunk, started
working on the compile (still using MinGW 3.3.1). Haven't gotten to the
linking yet, but I've been able to compile most of the pipmak files.
However, I've been stalled all night with a compiler error in the
pipmak_windows.c file: It doesn't seem to like 'DWORD (-1)'. My C is a
little rusty, but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to interpret that. Could
this be a Linux/Mac convention I need to change? I'm still assessing the
magnitude of the conversion process to a native Windows build.
Here's the total test.c file:
#include <windows.h>
void test(void) {
int attr = DWORD (-1);
and here's the error I get:
"error: parse error before "DWORD"
I was HOPING it was a compiler problem that I could fix by updating to a
much new version, but as I stated above I ran into problems.
I've done a lot more firmware coding than apps, so assume I've got giant
gaping holes in my basic knowledge of building PC-level code and the problem
might be obvious :)
Thanks, and any or all suggestions or comments about tools, approaches,
whatever will be much appreciated. I'm looking forward to finally getting
to the editing part!
busy all night installing and stuff.
I'm developing on Windows, and I see the project could use a native-side
Windows approach.
I've had some partial luck but I'm running into some weirdness, so I'm just
gonna run several statements out and see what you people think of my setup..
1 - After looking around for an IDE I decided to try MinGW Developer Studio.
It seems a little stale (comes with no documentation (?!), is somewhat
minimal, and includes MinGW 3.3.1 as it's latest version.)
I've been able to compile many of the libraries for pipmak like ogg and
vorbis using the default compiler.
After some weirdness though I installed the latest MinGW compiler and tools
but the IDE gives me an errror when I try to point it to the newer compiler.
Anybody recommend a better IDE?
2 - I then installed TortoiseSVN, downloaded the latest trunk, started
working on the compile (still using MinGW 3.3.1). Haven't gotten to the
linking yet, but I've been able to compile most of the pipmak files.
However, I've been stalled all night with a compiler error in the
pipmak_windows.c file: It doesn't seem to like 'DWORD (-1)'. My C is a
little rusty, but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to interpret that. Could
this be a Linux/Mac convention I need to change? I'm still assessing the
magnitude of the conversion process to a native Windows build.
Here's the total test.c file:
#include <windows.h>
void test(void) {
int attr = DWORD (-1);
and here's the error I get:
"error: parse error before "DWORD"
I was HOPING it was a compiler problem that I could fix by updating to a
much new version, but as I stated above I ran into problems.
I've done a lot more firmware coding than apps, so assume I've got giant
gaping holes in my basic knowledge of building PC-level code and the problem
might be obvious :)
Thanks, and any or all suggestions or comments about tools, approaches,
whatever will be much appreciated. I'm looking forward to finally getting
to the editing part!
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